Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 12 - Proverbs 12

The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listen to advice. 
Proverbs 12:15 (NIV)

The way of a fool seems right to him...
What keeps a fool from being wise?

... but a wise man listen to advice
And what keeps a wise man from being foolish?

A fool, in scriptural sense, is a wicked man. He is wicked because he has a high opinion of himself. He thinks he will never fail and his knowledge is superior that he has no need for counsel, whether it is counsel of men or God.  He runs his life by trusting in his own knowledge. The decision to trust in self results in arrogance and rejection of authority. The foolish man will do anything and everything that is good in his sight. Hence, God calls him a wicked man because he is devoid of wisdom from above.

A wise man is one who knows that he is fallible. He knows that it is foolish to trust in his own human understanding. He knows that he lacks the experience of older men who have seen more of life than him. He appreciates the providential relationship God has placed in his life. He is unassuming with regards to his own knowledge. At all times, he welcomes instructions, advice and rebukes from those who love him. He is humble and willing to ask for godly counsel. Not only does he seek advice, he also purposes in his heart to do them. He is like the man who builds his house on rock, when the rain comes down and floods rise and the wind beats against his house, it will not fall! (Matthew 7:24-25)

Jessica Ho