Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 23 - Proverbs 23

Prov 23:13-14 – “Do not withhold correction from a child, For if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. You shall beat him with a rod, And deliver his soul from hell.”

The other day when Aziel, my 2 yr old boy’s childcare teacher told me how he was  ‘punished’ for misbehaving in class, I appreciated her for doing that. I went on to tell her that at times my husband and I had to cane him for throwing tantrums, or when he refused to take instructions. Of course, we always explain to him why we cane him. Judging from her expression, I could tell she was shocked. She muttered - ‘but he’s only 2 years old…’

However, verse 13 tells us that we must not withhold correction from our children, and spare the rod when they are disobedient. If we do, we are only sending him or her to a ‘certain death’.

According to the bible, all children have foolishness in their hearts. Prov 22:15: Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him. The biblical definition of a fool means one who is a rebel. This verse is saying that all children have rebellion in them and when it surfaces, it is our duty as parents to drive it out of them.

Discipline of children should begin at an early age; especially when the child understands what ‘yes’ and ‘no’ means. If not, we will only encourage rebellion… The point is that the small pain they feel now, will prevent them from feeling great pain in future or in some cases death...

I once read a tragic but true story of this 3 year old girl who was the darling of the family, as she was the only child and first grandchild in the family. She loved to ignore her parents’ instructions. When they told her to sit down, she would stand up. Her parents found her behaviour cute and would usually laugh at her antics. 

One day, the gate in their front yard was left open. The parents saw the little girl escaping out of the yard and proceeding towards the road. To their horror, a speeding car raced down the street. The girl was running out between 2 parked  cars into the traffic. They both screamed for her to turn back. She paused for a second to look back at her parents, then gleefully laughed as she turned and ran directly onto the path of the oncoming car. Needless to say, she died a violent death.        

Parents should not fear that caning or spanking will hurt or kill their kids although they may scream and shout. On the contrary, it is a kindness to a child, as they will respect authority, if it is done properly and not out of anger. Godly discipline will keep children from being dysfunctional later in life.  The real abuse to the child is not to cane or spank them when they need correction.

Ps Tan Sok Hwee