Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 15 - Proverbs 15

v1 “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Wow! How true is this?

How many times in our conversations with people from the different segments of our lives,(family, work, friends, etc), have we seen how one word or phrase sends the conversation south?

Walls go up, claxons go off internally and the person goes on the defensive. How does any conversation happen when one is defensive then?

But this verse tells us how to avoid all of this. And note how the writer doesn’t say “A gentle question”; instead it says “A gentle answer.”

Isn’t this so much like our saviour Jesus? In fact, this verse reminds me of a statement He made.

He said that it was the meek who would inherit the earth, and He was the embodiment of meekness till His death. And in the end,  He inherited the name which is above all names!

So how are you inheriting your world?

In the office and in the home, how are you laying claim to that inheritance with meekness in speech and attitude?

Joel Justin