Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 14 – Proverbs 14

12 There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

Human beings tend to be creatures of habit and convenience. We like to do things or make decisions that suit us, fit our schedules or guarantee us success in the shortest possible time. Often times, the ‘way that seems right…’ involve short-cuts, few sacrifices and very little risks. However, that leads to destruction in the end.
Think about it - have you ever said no to a new challenge at work or in ministry, because you feel it’s too much of a stretch and you are uncomfortable with it? Instead, you are content to remain where you are, and do the same things the same old way. You tell yourself – ‘Why get involved? It’s going to take up too much time, and besides, it’s just not my cup of tea’.

In the end, not only do you deny yourself the opportunity to grow, you also become ‘dead’ to God’s vision of a greater life for you. A greater life that glorifies Jesus, and is filled with purpose and depth. Not one that is routine, ordinary and devoid of faith.

Martin Luther King said, “the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy”.

How about when God spoke to you in our last church camp? Are you still seeking to do what He told you, or have you given up trying because there is too much sacrifice and too little results? Giving up is easy, but it causes you to be ‘dead’ to your sensitivity to God’s voice, His leading and what He wants to do in your life.          

Hence, the way that seems right to a man is one that says ‘my way and not God’s way’. We stubbornly believe our opinions and practices are right, and reject the counsel of God and men. We act as if we know what’s best for ourselves; but that’s being self deluded. Tragically, self delusion leads to self destruction.    

Is there a way that seems right to you? Do ensure that it’s not your way but God’s way. God will not accommodate His processes to the convenience of individuals. We can thank God for that, because only then can we truly experience the greater life in Christ!  

Ps Tan Sok Hwee 

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